Wrestling the mind in meditation
Do you ever wonder what happens in meditation for other people, or if you are even doing it right? Well, I have. Sometimes I wonder why no one has ever written about the meditation experience to give...
View ArticleOpen mouth, insert foot
“If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind” ~ Buddha “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. ~ Abraham...
View ArticleDon’t feed the monkeys
A common expression that is used in Buddhist practice, is monkey mind. This refers to the mind’s ability to jump around from thought to thought, and from story to story. Something that most everyone...
View ArticleAbundant gratitude
As I was doing my meditation practice this morning, I was directing my attention toward gratitude. And as I continued to consider the great many things that I have to be grateful for, my mind became...
View ArticleLetting it all hang out
I swear to you, when I write each post, I do my very best to be completely candid and transparent. Yet after almost 2 years of writing this Blog daily, I often feel as though I have come across...
View ArticleMy animals, my teachers
Every morning when I sit to meditate, both of my dogs seem to feel the need to give me extra loving. They circle around me, nuzzling me, kissing me, and usually laying either at my feet or directly...
View ArticleLessons in the mind and body connection
This flu season continues to prove to be one of the worst ever, and unfortunately I am participating personally quite unenthusiastically. Still, there has been a great benefit to this in how many...
View ArticleShut up and get over it!
Who are you telling to shut up? More and more I am coming to see that so much of our conversing is beyond a waste of time. It is also a cultivation of less than mindful stories, drama, disturbance,...
View ArticleIn the beginning there was light
I began this Blog almost three years ago with the simple idea of sharing my experiences and observations along life’s path. This path of course being one that has a foundation based in the teachings of...
View ArticleWhy I’m important
A dear friend called me today that I have not talked to in quite a while. I was flabbergasted to hear that my posts here have been sorely missed. I have been very busy the last many months, and I… Read...
View ArticleWrestling the mind in meditation
Do you ever wonder what happens in meditation for other people, or if you are even doing it right? Well, I have. Sometimes I wonder why no one has ever written about the meditation experience to give...
View ArticleOpen mouth, insert foot
“If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind” ~ Buddha “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. ~ Abraham...
View ArticleDon’t feed the monkeys
A common expression that is used in Buddhist practice, is monkey mind. This refers to the mind’s ability to jump around from thought to thought, and from story to story. Something that most everyone...
View ArticleAbundant gratitude
As I was doing my meditation practice this morning, I was directing my attention toward gratitude. And as I continued to consider the great many things that I have to be grateful for, my mind became...
View ArticleLetting it all hang out
I swear to you, when I write each post, I do my very best to be completely candid and transparent. Yet after almost 2 years of writing this Blog daily, I often feel as though I have come across...
View ArticleMy animals, my teachers
Every morning when I sit to meditate, both of my dogs seem to feel the need to give me extra loving. They circle around me, nuzzling me, kissing me, and usually laying either at my feet or directly...
View ArticleLessons in the mind and body connection
This flu season continues to prove to be one of the worst ever, and unfortunately I am participating personally quite unenthusiastically. Still, there has been a great benefit to this in how many...
View ArticleShut up and get over it!
Who are you telling to shut up? More and more I am coming to see that so much of our conversing is beyond a waste of time. It is also a cultivation of less than mindful stories, drama, disturbance,...
View ArticleIn the beginning there was light
I began this Blog almost three years ago with the simple idea of sharing my experiences and observations along life’s path. This path of course being one that has a foundation based in the teachings of...
View ArticleWhy I’m important
A dear friend called me today that I have not talked to in quite a while. I was flabbergasted to hear that my posts here have been sorely missed. I have been very busy the last many months, and I… Read...
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